Vaka News


  • By Dion Kajokoto

A borehole drilling company, Meribah Rock Waters is registered under the Zimbabwe Companies Act. “Our name, beliefs, and basic values are all taken from the biblical book of Exodus 17:6-7 says the company. “We were established on the foundation of faith, honesty, obedience, and victory toward life's goal”, says Meribah Rock Waters.

With the goal of boosting irrigation system installations and supporting national health and food security initiatives through the provision and access to clean water, the company describes itself as a water solutions company that specializes in borehole drilling services, spares, repairs, accessories, pump installations, and all other water services.

"Our faith and trust in God is our major tool in yielding best results," the company states. "We believe the geology is based on research and results and even our site survey tools amy show all technical reports as accurate based on digital survey relevancy."

Water supply is Meribah Rock Waters' primary responsibility since we have made it our business to passionately serve all living things and feel that they should have access to a clean source of water and a healthy environment.

Their objective is to achieve the highest level of success in the financial sector by ranking in the top five on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange at all times, submitting all government returns, and performing at levels higher than 2% of the coverage performance.

"Meribah Rock Waters' mission is to exceed all customer, employee, community, and national expectations through state-of-the-art services; we are driven by excellence in quality, efficiency, innovation, and dependable drilling services; we excel in business water technology; we develop markets by providing water services in people's daily lives and the agricultural sector overall; we support health initiatives and foster team building through staff training workshops; and, above all, we are driven by our passion for nature, leisure, and food security", the firm says

Geological site survey, borehole drilling, electric, solar, and bush pump installations; tank installation and cleaning; irrigation equipment installation; capacity tests; flushing; fix and supply of all accessories; durable tank and pipe supplies from reputable suppliers are among the services and products offered by Meribah Rock Waters. The company states, "We shall also supply all irrigation and borehole equipment as per customers' requests, services, repairs, and maintenance."

"Who and why need it?  According to the company, "everyone need a dependable source of clean water for eating, gardening, building, laundry, etc."Farms, schools, businesses, clubs, cooperatives, privately held properties, churches, hospitals, mines, government institutions, non-governmental organizations, game reserves, provincial and rural district ports, etc." is the target market for the supply of our services, the company continued.

In an interview, Meribah Rock Waters responded, "We are a result oriented organization & we give attention to every question, contribution, complaints, qualms & compliments," when asked what Meribah Rock Waters accomplishes that no other competitors can match. Since we only consider the dynamics of the market, our price is market graded, allowing us to make adjustments as needed without compromising our guarantee of providing good service.

"We are located in Harare, which puts us in a prime location to reach all of Zimbabwe, and we firmly believe that businesses are self-marketed, which accounts for the attention they receive on the market. Although we may be geographically distant from our clients, thanks to technology, computers, phones, WhatsApp, and social media, the world is at our fingertips and we accept payment on the spot, though we do encourage upfront payments," the company says.

Cooporate projects we have done  are, Blessings water project with 33 high- density households for Mr W. Mugwagwa ,  Vheneko Water project with 39 high- density house holds for  Mr Taremba and ⁠Black street Project with 23 house holds for  Mr Chirinyu, just to mention but a few, some of our projects, we get sub- contracted by Non gorvenmental organisations like the ones below in pictures for churches and communities.

Contact Details


Cell phones: +263 773 709 245

                       : +263773 709 24

                        : +263 779 044 801



